Covid Leads, Delhi

Covid Leads Delhi is a non-profit initiative to provide reliable and trusted resources for people in need of beds, medicines, oxygen cylinders, and food services. All the leads provided on our platform are personally verified and not just scraped off of public sources. Our volunteers work on the backend of our platform to provide the best service to the people in need of these resources. All the leads for the resources are re-verified periodically by our verification team so that the people in need of the resource do not find a dead end. Our only motive is to provide a clear means of communication between the resource provider and the person in need of the resource.

Our Story

The second wave of covid-19 shook our nation to its core. The severity of the shortage of resources caused a lot of people their lives. Looking at the number of active and increasing cases day by day made us realize the extremity of the situation. Innumerous people were forced to breathe borrowed air. Basic necessities were in acute shortage leaving people no means of surviving this deadly virus. During this crisis, many youngsters were trying their best to convey messages and provide support to patients by connecting them to scarce resources via social media platforms.

Witnessing everyone help in every possible way they could, we devised a plan to contribute in our way by using the technical skills and connections to build an online platform to bring these volunteers together so that they could reach out to many more people. This idea started with a group of three people which eventually grew into a group of 53 volunteers. Our team young volunteers worked meticulously on verifying leads every day since the beginning of the second wave. All these verified leads were being updated regularly for the availability of various resources.


Active Users





Our Mission

People in crisis at that time did not have the time or option to look after their daily needs, so we tried our best to provide them a simple platform for all their needs in these tough times just a click away.
The pandemic hit our country more severely than anyone could have imagined. By using our platform Covid patients could easily access all types of resources they needed on a single platform.

Founding Members

Vansh Sood

Neha Sood

Anushree Gogia

Team Message

The second wave of covid-19 shook our nation to its core. The severity of the shortage of resources caused a lot of people their lives. Looking at the number of active and increasing cases day by day made us realize the extremity of the situation. Innumerous people were forced to breathe borrowed air. Basic necessities were in acute shortage leaving people no means of surviving this deadly virus. During this crisis, many youngsters were trying their best to convey messages and provide support to patients by connecting them to scarce resources via social media platforms.

Thank you for your support

The second wave of covid-19 shook our nation to its core. The severity of the shortage of resources caused a lot of people their lives. Looking at the number of active and increasing cases day by day made us realize the extremity of the situation. Innumerous people were forced to breathe borrowed air. Basic necessities were in acute shortage leaving people no means of surviving this deadly virus. During this crisis, many youngsters were trying their best to convey messages and provide support to patients by connecting them to scarce resources via social media platforms.